Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Coleco’s Pac-Man Tabletop Game Brought the Arcade Experience Home


The eighties passion for Pac-Man led to the creation of this miniature arcade game version—part of a series.
by Rich Watson 

In 1982, during the height of the Pac-Man craze, Coleco released a tabletop home version of the immensely popular arcade game.

I had one because I was as much into Pac-Man as everyone else at the time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Activision Decathlon Was Part of a New Wave of Successful Home Video Games


One of the early successes for Activision was this sports game which was almost as much of a workout as the real sport.
by Rich Watson 

My first home computer was the Commodore 64. Like many kids in the eighties, I used it for playing video games, mostly from a new company called Activision.

Their Decathlon was quite a challenge.