Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Grady Was a Popular Neighbor on “Sanford and Son,” With a Theme Song by Quincy Jones

TV’s Sanford and Son spawned not only a theme song by a future music legend, but a beloved supporting character who headlined a spinoff show.
by Rich Watson 

This post is for the Neighbors Blogathon, a blog event spotlighting neighbor characters on TV and in film. At the end I’ll tell you where you can find more posts like this.

Sanford and Son was an American remake of the sixties British sitcom Steptoe and Son. It had an instrumental theme song composed by musician and record producer Quincy Jones.

Redd Foxx, a former nightclub comedian made famous through his raunchy comedy records, starred. His supporting cast included a character who starred in a spinoff series of his own.


  1. Great article! I remember seeing some reruns of this show when I was a kid. The background information is really interesting.

  2. Thanks. I actually didn’t see S&S much growing up, but sitcoms like it were on TV all the time back then, so I can appreciate it.

  3. Sanford and Son was so much fun! I can't remember the Quincy Jones episode, though--it's been too long. Guess I'll have to go look for it. Thanks again for joining the blogathon, Rich. :-)

  4. It wasn’t an episode. I included the bit about Jones because I’m in the middle of a series about instrumental pop songs. My post for your next blogathon will also be in that series.
